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How can I help your family?

Bringing a cross pollination of skills, knowledge and experience to best serve your whole child by meeting your child where they are and helping them navigate the world around them.

She was able to talk with our daughter and understand her special needs, give us a plan of action and give us peace of mind.

--  Cheree

Informal observation and written summary of your child across multiple domains of development.  This will be conducted over the first few initial visits with new clients.

Individual Child Profile

Conducting and discussing Floortime sessions.

Sessions are 1 hour consisting of 45 min. with your child and 15 min. closing overview with you.  A follow up report is written afer each session explaining what we did, why we did it and give ideas to extend the session at home.

Floortime Player

Working with your child across academics, social/emotional and motor skills using high affect project based lessons.  Sessions are generally 1 hour.  A written report will be sent out explaining what we did, why we did it and what can be done at home until the next session.

Special Needs Tutor

Coaching parents and caregivers on how to use the DIR/FT methodology in their home with their special needs child. Sessions can be as individuals or as a question/answer group parent meeting.  These sessions range in time according to size and needs. 


A part of your child's educational team working with your school system (e.g. IEP, teacher consult, etc.).

DIR/FT Parental Coach
Consultations with Schools
Development of home plans

Creating a home based plan of activiites to help build and deepen relationships with your special needs child. 


Small Social Groups

Facilitating relationships through high affect activities for children desiring and developmentally ready.

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